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2020 : Upcoming activites
Marche mondiale des femmes

2020 : Upcoming activites

April 14th

Public Event and unveiling of the committees visuals

Everyone is invited to a public event where the 2020 Women’s March main demands will be presented and explained. It will be a unique occasion to understand and collectively appropriate them! The chosen visual for the committee of the Women’s March – Eastern Townships will also be revealed.  


Regional action in Memphrémagog

The Women’s March committee and its allies will participate in regional action that will take place in Memphremagog. Are you interested in joining up? Contact us!


April 24th

24 hours of feminist solidarity against transnational power

 In memory of the day the Rana Plaza collapsed in 2013, the 24 hours of feminist solidarity are structured around the fight against transnational companies. We are denouncing the growing powers of industries that are making life precarious, worsening inequality and destroying the planet, while trying to appropriate for themselves the feminist movement’s agenda. From noon to 1 PM, the solidarity of the Women’s March will be expressed across the planet by denunciation actions and popular educational activities.

October 4th

Commemoration for missing and murdered indigenous women

In Canada, aboriginal women represent 16% of the victims of femicide and 11% of missing women, while they are only about 4% of the women in the country. The silent disappearance of so many indigenous women is one of the consequences of the colonial process that threatens the cultures, languages and well-being of indigenous communities. October 4th is and will be a day where commemorations will be held to honour the memory of missing and murdered aboriginal women, as well as their families. It will also raise public awareness concerning this tragedy. As in previous years, action in solidarity will be organized in the area. Follow our Facebook page for more details!


October 17th

Finale of the International Action with a National March in Terrebonne (Lanaudière)

* En raison de la situation de santé publique au Québec, certaines activités de ce calendrier seront reportées ou conçues différement.
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