Faults :

From October 18-24, the Semaine nationale de l’action communautaire autonome [national week for independent community action] (#SNACA) will be highlighting the beauty and incredible strength of the independent community action movement, which continues to be as vibrant as ever! Even as they continue to be caught in the whirlwind of an unprecedented crisis, community organizations continue to burst with creativity and evolve and transform to create a more just, green and inclusive society.
Twenty years after the adoption of the Government Policy on Community Action and as the Réseau québécois de l’action communautaire autonome (RQ-ACA) marks its 25th anniversary, we honour the long history of dedication and social struggles that have forged our network. As we remember our collective journey and look to the future, we celebrate independent community action—the only movement of its kind in the world!
With this visual, created by the talented Emilie Tremblay, we encourage you to celebrate, to make some noise, and to highlight the lively and very colourful world of this vibrant movement!
The Semaine nationale de l’action communautaire autonome (national week for independent community action) seeks to highlight the work of the 4,000 ACA organizations across Quebec and to pay tribute to the 60,000 workers and 425,000 activists and volunteers who work to advance their causes every day.

ConcertAction Femmes Estrie rallies member groups together for “La planète s’invite au communautaire” (the planet invites itself into community life) initiatives.
In response to the climate emergency, a global movement is coalescing to demand concrete action plans from governments. CAFE and the ACA network in Estrie are joining forces to inform and galvanize the people of Estrie.
For more information on the campaign, check out the special environmental-issue newsletter of the Table ronde des organismes à vocation d’éducation populaire de l’Estrie (TROVEPE): Click here.

The CAFE team at the Marche estrienne pour la planète (Estrie walk for the planet) on September 27, 2019.

The Marche estrienne pour la planète (Estrie walk for the planet) on September 27, 2019.

La planète s’invite au communautaire (the planet invites into community life) banner

La planète en grève : l’Estrie se mobilise (the planet on strike: Estrie rallying together) banner