Each year, a number of events are organized in the Estrie region by CAFE members, partners or allies as part of International Women’s Rights Day on March 8.
In 2022, the theme is L’avenir est féministe / The future is feminist.
Check out our regional calendar to stay apprised of upcoming events!
Our future is feminist. It is the sum total of our fights, our battles and our struggles. Because we are strong, determined and unwavering, we demand a feminist society that embodies our progressive values. Turning back the clock and going back to “normal” and the status quo is not an option. What we want is a society that unites our diverse voices and backgrounds and recognizes the intersectionality of oppressions—a society that finally meets our needs and respects the rights and dignity of all women. It is in a spirit of hope and confidence that we dedicate our efforts to this new world woven of freedom, solidarity, justice, peace and equity.
Other crises will happen. To address the urgency to act, the future must be feminist, inclusive and ecological, or there can be no future at all.
A feminist society: not a utopia, but the solution.
The visual of the March 8, 2022 edition combines graphic art and collage to break with the atmosphere of gloom and political cynicism of recent years, in particular with the advent of the health crisis. The hands in the foreground call for us to unite our efforts to bring about a more just world. Far from the clichéd association of flowers with femininity, the selected flora symbolizes women’s resistance, their ancestral knowledge of medicinal plants throughout history, as well as their concern for the environment. The beams at the top, evocative of rays of sunlight, bear witness to women’s historic struggle for their rights. This optimistic outlook at the end of the road encapsulates a collective intention to see a feminist future where everyone can flourish in peace.
Credits: Collectif 8 mars. Molotov communications. Illustration: Stacy Bellanger Bien-Aimé.

Contact person in Estrie:
Marie-Danielle Larocque
Community Life and Communications Officer
ConcertAction Femmes Estrie
819-919-1987 (cell). | info@concertactionfemmesestrie.org
Poster, Facebook banner, Facebook profile image, email signature, Zoom wallpaper, etc.