The purpose of this project was to meet with educational staff, from preschool to university, as well as people seeking these jobs, in order to reflect together on the way children are socialized and to ensure that education upholds equal opportunity. This project was made possible by funding from the Conférence régionale des élus through the specific agreement for equality between women and men.
The J’Éduque à l’Égalité project is the outgrowth of a tour conducted by ConcertAction femmes Estrie among its member groups in order to find out the best ways to achieve genuine equality between women and men. Ninety people were consulted. They unanimously proposed making sure that children’s education is free of stereotypes. This tour was carried out with the Conférence régionale des élus de l’Estrie as part of the 2011-2015 government action plan under the policy Pour que l’égalité de droit devienne une égalité de fait (so that equality in law becomes equality in fact).
•To raise awareness and understanding of the impacts of stereotypes on the development of girls and boys;
• To develop egalitarian relationships from childhood through adulthood; and
• To promote positive role models.
At the end of the workshop, different tools were presented to raise awareness among participants, along with workplace-friendly activities.
Over 700 people took part in the workshops!
“It allowed me to self-reflect and to become aware of the extent of prejudice in society and the ground that still needs to be covered in order to achieve equality” – Student in social work
“I appreciated the workshop because it helped me get situated with respect to my future profession” –Woman student in childhood education methods
“Very lively and interactive workshop. Bravo on the presentation!” – Retired teacher